Resources below are for educational, informational, and devotional use:

God’s Hand in Our Lives
Sunday School materials from the Church of the Lutheran Confession. Lessons available for download.

Around the Word Devotions
Download weekly devotions from Around the Word: Theology for the Curious Christian. A limited number of the current week’s devotions are available in the Narthex. The site also offers Bible studies for personal and group study.
Daily readings from the historic Lutheran lectionary:

Issues, Etc.
Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. Listen live or on-demand at and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.

Lutheran Hour Ministries
Lutheran Hour Ministries is the media outreach for the International Lutheran Laymen’s League. The Lutheran HourĀ®, a weekly radio broadcast, began in 1930. In addition to downloads of archived sermons from the Lutheran HourĀ®, LHM offers Bible studies, devotional materials, and audio or text versions of Project Connect booklets providing Christian perspectives of a variety of topics.

Pray for Us Calendar
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod offers a calendar with prayers requested by church workers for each day of the month. Limited copies are available at Zion, or learn more and download the calendar here.

Don’t take a vacation from worship! Stop by the church office and we’ll help you find a church to visit. An excellent resource for finding a confessional Lutheran church is