We now have two new exciting ways to give!
You can now give by text or online. Below are directions on how to give both ways. You can choose how much to give, how often, and choose one of three funds for your offering to go to. (General, Building/Care and Share, and Mission Fund.) You can give to more than one fund at a time by selection Add Donation. In addition you can choose to give from either a debit/credit card or directly from your bank account. You will be able to see all your past offerings through this program as well.
Online giving link – lcmszion.churchcenter.com
Select Give (you can login again after you give the first time, this is done with your phone number.)
Text to give –
Text any dollar amount to 84321 (Example: $12) follow the directions in the text.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact Faithe in the church office and she will assist you.